For those who are temporarily unable to get your hands on the SNES Classic, you should be able to find the ROM out in the wild to emulate, but as always, the game works best where it should be - on the SNES Classic. While there is no question that hackers will eventually find a way to hack into the SNES Classic to extract this exclusive game, no one expected it to be this soon. I’m not going to share the rom, I just wanted to give the good news that it does run.Here’s a video of someone else’s of it running, in his case a SuperFX 1.If you didn’t see the other post, here’s what the dev cart board looks like:.That’s a RGB modded SNES Jr hooked up to a framemeister via RGB, hence the HD.I flashed a 27c160 EPROM with the rom extracted from a SNES Classic. The left and right shoulder buttons allowed a player to pan the camera to the left and right. NES games are popular to hack due to their relative simplicity compared to later consoles. The hacks mentioned below are considered to be some of the best and most polished ROM hacks around. you can play Genesis games on the NES Mini). On a technical level, this hack was achieved by using the panning feature built into the game. In regards to the hacks listed below, this is far from a definitive list of the best ROM hacks. Choose SNES Classic or Super Famicom Classic and then navigate to Add More Games in the lower left-hand corner. One individual on Reddit, s3phir0th115, even manage to get it to play on the real SNES Console ( Link). Hackers even took it a step further by creating Hakchi, which allows any Mini system to support NES, SNES, and Genesis (i.e. Step 3: Open hakchi, it should ask you which system you want to modify. The SNES Classic has barely gotten into the hands of the public for a day and yet hackers have manage to extract Star Fox 2’s ROM and spread it on the net.